Friday 13 April 2007

Who are we, and what do we do?

XML Systems is a consultancy specialising in green IT and getting the most out of spatial data.

We look at different strategies for organising information spatially or geographically and visualising it. We do proof-of-concept designs and implementations. We can then take these concept systems into production for you. We specialise in Google Maps and Google Earth mashups.

We have substantial expertise in the environmental impact of IT. We can evaluate your current impact and running costs and give recommendations on how you can reduce both. We offer a perspective that is independent of suppliers and we focus on your needs rather than on selling you products.

Please get in touch if you're interested for an informal chat about how we could help.

This blog exists to give some examples of what we can do and to be a commentary on our thoughts and approach.

Simon Redding
CTO and co-founder

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